With funding from PERU LNG, 1,299 students and 58 teachers are benefiting from the program Leer es Estar Adelante, implemented by the BBVA Continental Foundation. The initiative, implemented in 29 public schools in Ayacucho and Huancavelica, is aimed at improving reading comprehension levels in students between third and sixth grade of primary school.
For four years, PERU LNG has been contributing to the educational development of children in 23 schools in the provinces of Huamanga and La Mar, in the Ayacucho region; and, since 2016, the company has been financing its implementation in six educational institutions in the province of Huaytará, Huancavelica region.
On July 14, the educational proposal was presented at the elementary school in Pilpichaca, Huancavelica. The ceremony was attended by Mercedes Castro, from the BBVA Continental Foundation; Anderson Cabrera, representing PERU LNG; and Emilio Taype Oré, Mayor of the District of Pilpichaca.
Reading is Being Ahead includes the training of teachers in order to strengthen their conceptual, pedagogical and methodological skills for teaching reading comprehension. In addition, it provides educational texts contextualized to the national reality for each region of the country, and measures students' performance in the area of reading comprehension.
Reading is Being Ahead is an initiative that promotes educational development in ten regions of the country. This year, the Ministry of Education has incorporated the program's intervention strategy as part of the national curriculum.